var helpWindow = Ext.create('Ext.Window', {
title: 'Source code',
width: 920,
height: 500,
closeAction: 'hide',
renderTpl: [
listeners: {
render: function(w) {
url: 'dragdropzones.js',
success: function(r) {
w.body.dom.value = r.responseText;
// 또는
url: 'gen-invoice-grid.php',
// send additional parameters to instruct server script
params: {
startDate: Ext.getCmp('start-date').getValue(),
endDate: Ext.getCmp('end-date').getValue()
// process the response object to add it to the TabPanel:
success: function(xhr) {
var newComponent = eval(xhr.responseText); // see discussion below 여기에 주목 ㅋㅋ
myTabPanel.add(newComponent); // add the component to the TabPanel
failure: function() {
Ext.Msg.alert("Grid create failed", "Server communication failure");
<br />